marți, 12 iulie 2011

My role in life

When I was 8 I wanted to help
Be a fireman, policeman ,anything I felt
Just like in the cartoons where my mind was kept
Everything was pink and life was good 

At 15 I wanted fame ,All I could want 
Was to be at the top of my game 
My wish was to tame lions and sharks
But instead of that I sat on benches all day in parks

Now at my age all I want is happiness
Long term ,Short term , It does not matter
I want to give ,to receive and to create 
But I'm starting to see that that's not only my dream

Because our role in life is not making money
It's all about leaving your mark on this earth
Make this dirt more beautiful 
Say "I hate this grass ,I'l make it more green"
Let it gleam in your eyes that new idea invents itself

"Hate me ,Hate me !" you hear all around 
I hear only "Help, Love and Teach" 
Preach, Draw ,Save lives or do what ever you want
There is no destiny but the one you make with you'r hands

Because when you die you better be smiling
Or every fear you had along your life will win
And your very existence will have been

Simple poetry, simple but enjoyable ! :)

duminică, 10 iulie 2011


Ce vreau eu?...
Vreau sa traiesc, la fel ca toti...
Stiu ca pot trai foarte bine si fara tine draga mea.
Stiu ca totul e doar o pasiune trecatoare, un moft al varstei.
Nu, nu te iubesc, nu te ador, doar imi place sa stau cu tine, sa vorbim despre lucruri marunte sau marete, despre viitorul nostru sau despre vreme.Nu stiu daca intelegi asta dar eu nu te iubesc pe tine, iubesc conversatiile noastre, iubesc starea pe care mi-o dai tu , sau un prieten.
Ce vreau de la tine atunci ?
E simplu. Vreau incredere, suport poate. Vreau pe cineva cu care sa vorbesc intr-un alt mod decat cu prietenii sau familia, vreau sa tin in brate pe cineva cand rasare soarele, sa soptesc "Zambeste" si sa cad pe ganduri.
Nu sunt un alt visator cu ochii deschisi, sunt un realist care stie ca tu iti faci viitorul, caracterul si mintea.
Iar cea ce ma bucura este ca desi majoritatea oamenilor ma catalogheaza si se cred superiori cativa dintre ei isi aloca timp pentru mine si ma accepta asa cum sunt.
Tu esti unu dintre ei.
Tu nu esti lumea mea dar faci parte din ea...

Ceva mult prea romantic pentru mine dar am simtit nevoia sa scriu asta , am evitat orice dulcegarie pentru simplul fapt ca sunt gretoase si nu vreau sa par o fetita de 13 ani emo care sufera din dragoste :) , scuze daca v-am jignit cu ceva.

vineri, 8 iulie 2011

Forever me.

Maybe I won't make it and succeed 
Maybe I will drown in my own greed
No deed of mine will be of any good
I would be forgotten in the mist of history

I know the power of fate
But I will not wait and see what happens
I have the ability to create ,the power of gods
My hands , My mind ,Your support 

Never will I cease to fight
It is not pride, but self respect
Crying out Ï am a human being ! I deserve to rule the universe,my universe ,for ever and ever. 
I will not let time wear me out ,for my mind is timeless.
I will not let death take me, for my soul is immortal
I will not let others drag me down, for my heart is fierce
Burning and burning a relentless black and red fire 
Black because I am a pirate ! I do not answer to no one but me !
Red because my passion is powerful because of my friends 
I shall forever raise the flag of Dreams in my heart, mind and soul. There I am truly free , nobody can ever take that from me or you....Ever ! 
I do not care what you say about me ,what others think about me on the inside , as long as my friends know who I am then I can rest in peace on the shoulders of my fellow comrades in the war of life.

A little inspirational speech I guess :P ,I wanted to do one of these, any opinions ? :D
Cred ca imi revine inspiratia ,thats good